<% Dim MyConn, RS, i accessdb="data/database.mdb" myDSN="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" myDSN=myDSN & "DBQ=" & server.mappath(accessdb) dim conntemp, rstemp, temp, topic set conntemp=server.createobject("ADODB.connection") conntemp.open myDSN temp="nothing" topic = Request.QueryString("Topic") mySQL1 = "Select * From Education where Topic = '" & topic & "' order By SubTopic1" set rstemp=conntemp.execute(mySQL1) if rstemp.eof then call show_error() else howmanyfields=rstemp.fields.count -1 %> ePodiatry

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<% ' Now lets grab all the records do while not rstemp.eof %> <% for i = 2 to 2 temp = thisvalue thisvalue=rstemp(i) if isnull(thisvalue) or thisvalue="" then%> <%thisvalue=" " end if%> <%if not LCase(temp) = LCase(thisvalue) then%> <%end if%> <% next %> <%rstemp.movenext loop%>
<% thisvalue = rstemp(4) %> Comments: <%=thisvalue%>
<% thisvalue = rstemp(5) %> URL: <%=thisvalue%>
<% rstemp.close set rstemp=nothing end if%>

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<%sub show_error()%>
No message available.

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<%end sub%>